How To Use Clear Screen Command In Dev C++

Function getch in C program prompts a user to press a character. It doesn't show up on the screen. Its declaration is in 'conio.h' header file. The function is not a part of standard C library.

C programming code for getch

#include <stdio.h>

Aug 04, 2008  He's talking about what to #include so that he can use the system function. #include You can find out what header to include by going to the homepage and typing the name of the function into the search box, selecting it from the top of the page you see next, and looking to the right to see what the header file is. Aug 21, 2002  If you wish to use clearscreen in testmode. I can use clrscr; Remember to include. #include Conio is not ANSI C, but Borland Extension I think!!! Then you can write clrscr; to clear screen. But since you use Linux this info. Is no use for you:-) Didn't see that at first. But if others is using Borland this can do it. Summary of basic C-commands Compiling To compile a C-program, you can use either gor c. G -oexecutable lename.out source c -oexecutable lename.out source For the following commands you can nd at the end of this summary sample programs. Each command in C is followed by;'. Carriage return has no meaning in C.

But dont want to use system cause then it makes it dependent on windows, same with the unix version. Aug 06, 2015 Display message and use of clear screen. Use Dev C 5.7.1 It is best. If having trouble to find it, send me your email id i will send to you.

#include <conio.h>

Sep 13, 2015 35- Program To Use EXIT Function In Nested For Loop Using C Programming Language In HINDI - Duration: 6:08. TutorialsSpace- UGC-NET- GATE- Univ. Exams 3,359 views 6:08. Clear Output Screen using C program. Clear Output Screen - When we run a program, previous output or other command prompt/ Linux Terminal command's output appear there. We can clear the output screen using C program. Functions which are used to clear output screen depend on the compiler, commonly used functions/methods are.

int main()
printf('Waiting for a character to be pressed from the keyboard to exit.n');


When you run this program, it exits only when you press a character. Try pressing num lock, shift key, etc. (program will not exit if you press these keys) as these are not characters.

Try running the program by removing getch. In this case, it will exit without waiting for a character hit from the keyboard.

How to use getch in C++

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>Screen

Clear Screen Function In Dev C++

int main()
cout <<'Enter a character';

Using getch in Dev C++ compiler

Function getch works in Dev C++ compiler but it doesn't support all functions of 'conio.h' as Turbo C compiler does.

Function getchar in C

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int c;
c =getchar();

How To Use Clear Screen In Dev C++

A common use of getch is you can view the output (if any) of a program without having to open the output window if you are using Turbo C compiler or if you are not running your program from the command prompt.

How To Clear My Screen

P: 1
Clear screen 'clrscr() is not a standard function, niether in C or C++. So, using clrscr() is not always give you an answer, and it depends upon the compiler you installed and what library is available too. Some says: include library as: #include <conio.h> , this is also does not help much, and most of the times, it does not work because this library : <conio.h> is not standard library too.
So, to use clear screen, you have to use :
  1. #include <iostream> WHICH IS KNOWN IN C++ and system('cls'); as in the following example:
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  3. // #include <conio.h> some compilers
  4. //ask for this library, but in our case, no need.
  5. #include <iostream> // available in C++ standard Library
  6. int main()
  7. {
  8. char x;
  9. for(int j=0; j<=10;j++)
  10. {
  11. printf('Press any key to clear the screen.n');
  12. scanf('%c',&x);
  13. // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clrscr(); you can not use it in
  14. // some compilers.......>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<
  15. // instead use this one: system('cls');
  16. system('cls');
  17. //clearscrean then leave 3 linsbefore writing vnew things
  18. for(int k=0;k<=3;k++)
  19. printf('n');
  20. for(int i=0; i<=3;i++)
  21. { // repeat each of the following
  22. // line 4 times
  23. for(int m=65;m<=80 ;m++)
  24. //m=65 is equivalant to character 'A' and so on.....
  25. printf('%c',m); // print m as characters and
  26. // not as decimal
  27. printf('----Look at value of j after each clearscreen YAHIA111%d',j);
  28. printf('n');
  29. }
  30. scanf('%c',&x);
  31. }
  32. return 0;
  33. }